NCW News – Page 6 – Maryland Medical Cannabis Dispensary

Category: NCW News

The Entourage Effect: Part 1

December 27, 2017
The Unique Pharmacological Benefits of Whole Plant Cannabis Medicine When discussing medical cannabis, the terms delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and more recently, cannabidiol (CBD), have become the most popular and most studied...

Prescription Drugs or Medical Cannabis ?

December 20, 2017
It’s no longer a secret that more and more people in America and around the world are using cannabis. This once demonized “gateway drug” is now opening doors and paving...

Why the grass is always greener.

October 29, 2017
Cannabis is an incredibly medicinal plant, but how it’s ingested matters in regards to healing potential. Here are the corresponding marijuana effects on your body depending on how it’s ingested.

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed

October 25, 2017
Hey! we’ve just signed up to watch a free documentary series called The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed, which starts Thursday, November 2nd.  It’s about an ancient healing plant that successfully...

Mother & Son’s Real Life Experience with Alternative Medicine

October 12, 2017
I would like to tell a story about how I have seen cannabis work with my own eyes.  My mother sat us down on a warm summer night in august...
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