Ncw Staff – Page 14 – Maryland Medical Cannabis Dispensary

Author: Ncw Staff

Kind Therapeutics – Lucid Mood Sippers

August 28, 2019
Lucid Mood Sippers are the perfect balance of THC and CBD delivers a clear, sociable, and functional high via all-in-one vape pens.  This product uses ancient aromatherapy principles to dial in...

MMCC Patient Statistics – Did You Know?

August 23, 2019
Updated 8/21 MMCC Patient statistic chart updates below, Cecil County is as follows – 2073 Patients 19 Providers 115 Caregivers If you have questions about getting your MMCC card please...

Can the police search you for smelling like marinuana?

August 20, 2019
Police still can use the smell of marijuana as justification to search a vehicle, the opinion said. But they can’t search anyone in the vehicle unless they find evidence of...

Amherst Sour Diesel from Curio

August 19, 2019
Fast onset from this sativa dominant hybrid bud creates energized, yet calming effects that encourage social happiness with a warming body sensation of relief. With an exotic, fruity aroma with...

Cannabis and Veterans

August 13, 2019
Veteran participation in state marijuana programs does not affect eligibility for VA care and services. VA providers can and do discuss marijuana use with Veterans as part of comprehensive care...
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