2018 Holiday Stockings for the Troops
Holiday stockings for the troops Help us cheer up the holidays for our troops serving in harm’s way. We will have 100 stockings to fill and send overseas so if...
THC Drives, CBD Rides
The truth bought to light by cannabis activist Ricky Simpson was that THC is necessary for the fight against so many diseases and terminal conditions. The conception is that THC gets you...
The Entourage Effect: Part 2
So how can a plant like cannabis potentially play such a diverse treatment role across a variety of health conditions? The answer may lie in the pharmacological phenomenon dubbed the...
The Entourage Effect: Part 1
The Unique Pharmacological Benefits of Whole Plant Cannabis Medicine When discussing medical cannabis, the terms delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and more recently, cannabidiol (CBD), have become the most popular and most studied...