Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! Edibles Recipe!

By: Ncw Staff
Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! Edibles Recipe!
Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! Nerd Ropes! It is all I have been hearing lately. So of course, I made some. This is a great way to ingest your meds especially if you have a sweet tooth and enjoy a bit of tart. Finding nerds in bulk is tough! Finding cannabis in bulk is not tough anymore. NCW has great cannabis to make edibles with and at $180 an ounce you can’t beat it. Here is a quick recipe for nerd ropes –
In a separate pot, make a water bath with a candy thermometer keeping the temperature around 150°F. Pour 70 grams of gelatin and 140 grams of water into a plastic bag. Mix thoroughly, removing clumps and streaks. Cook in the water bath for 20-30 minutes until clear.
Mix 225 grams of sugar and 245 grams of corn syrup well, when sugar has dissolved (around 10 minutes) add oil to the pot. Mix well! Continue cooking for 20 minutes.
Combine parts 1 and 2. Add *food color, citric acid, and flavor of choice. *Add 6-10 drops for a good hue. Mix well! Let the mixture set awhile, approximately 25-30 minutes until it thickens. Place parchment paper on the baking tray, covering all sides. Coat the parchment lightly with cornstarch. Pour the mixture onto the tray or, if you are comfortable with the viscous consistency of your mixture, you may pour the mixture right on to the parchment allowing it to pool, but it shouldn’t be too much of a liquid consistency so as not to stay on the sheet. Let mixture sit 5-10 minutes on parchment. -Grab the other baking tray. Place the parchment paper covering the bottom of the baking tray. Fill the tray with Nerds. Take your “slab” of the gummy mixture and slice into desired sized ropes. Roll the ropes in your pool of Nerds and get ready to enjoy!