How to use a Nectar Collector
It’s hard to find a simpler way to smoke concentrate than the GRAV® Vapor Straw & Dish. This item includes a thick glass dish where you can place your concentrate...
When does my limit for purchase reset? Did You Know?
The certification issued by a provider for a patient identifies the amount of dried flower and THC that the patient may purchase in a 30-day period. The limit is calculated...
How can seniors benefit from cannabis?
There are many ways to consume cannabis. Seniors have been seeing success from using sub lingual, edible and topical solutions. A lot of seniors like the idea that you don’t...
Cannabinoids- Did You Know?
The product profiles have different acronyms but what are they really? Check it out! #1) THCA is the acidic parent of THC found in the raw cannabis plant. When exposed...
How To – Using a glass smoking apparatus
For thousands of years people have been using pipes to combust or as we commonly refer to as smoke cannabis. To start take a little pinch of your freshly ground...